HOW to... write in another language using Microsoft Word

 To write in Spanish or French in Microsoft Word is EASY!!


Set your language to your desired language.

You will find this in a drop down menu or at the bottom of your page where the 'globe' icon is located.


Begin typing. You will find that there are red or green squiggles under words and when you look at your choices, they will be in the target language! Word will also auto-correct common mistakes (like some missed accents and spelling mistakes).

You may have to insert your own accents as you type and these instructions are listed below. I always use the Ctrl key shortcuts, but you can use whatever works best for you!


There are 3 ways you can get accents on the computer:

1.   Use Alt key + the numbers on the left

2.   Use Ctrl key + instructions on the right

3.   Go to Insert à Symbol

Don't forget to set the language to your desired language BEFORE starting to type!  

À – 0192          or             Ctrl + ` then Shift + A       

 – 0194          or             Ctrl + Shift + ^ then Shift A       

Ä – 0196          or             Ctrl + Shift + : then Shift + A       

à – 0224           or             Ctrl + ` then a       

â – 0226           or             Ctrl + Shift + ^ then a        

ä – 0228           or             Ctrl + Shift + : then a 

È – 0200          or             Ctrl + ` then Shift + E       

É – 0201          or             Ctrl + ‘ then Shift + E        

Ê – 0202          or             Ctrl + Shift + ^ then Shift E       

Ë – 0203          or             Ctrl + Shift + : then Shift + E       

è – 0232           or             Ctrl + ` then e       

é – 0233           or             Ctrl + ‘ then e        

ê – 0234           or             Ctrl + Shift + ^ then e        

ë – 0235           or             Ctrl + Shift + : then e 

Î – 0206            or             Ctrl + Shift + ^ then Shift + I       

Ï – 0207            or             Ctrl + Shift + : then Shift + I       

î – 0238            or             Ctrl + Shift + ^ then i       

 ï – 0239            or             Ctrl + Shift + : then i 

Ô – 0212          or             Ctrl + Shift + ^ then Shift + O       

Ö – 0214          or             Ctrl + Shift + : then Shift + O       

ô – 0244           or             Ctrl + Shift + ^ then o       

ö – 0246           or             Ctrl + Shift + : then o U   

Ù – 0217          or             Ctrl + ` then Shift + U       

Û – 0219          or             Ctrl + Shift + ^ then Shift + U       

Ü – 0220          or             Ctrl + Shift + : then Shift + U       

ù – 0249          or             Ctrl + ` then u       

û – 0251          or             Ctrl + Shift + ^ then u       

ü – 0252          or             Ctrl + Shift + : then u 

Ç – 0199          or             Ctrl + , then Shift + C        

ç – 0231           or             Ctrl + , then C